Proper Lifting Techniques to Avoid Lower Back Pain

1. Squat Technique
– Get close to the object
– Separate your feet shoulder width apart
– Keeping back straight, hinge at your hips and bend at your knees
– Extend your arms and pick up the object

Squat Technique

2. 1/2 Kneel Technique
– Get close to the object
– Step forward with one leg to position yourself into a lunge position
– Keeping back straight, lower your body
– Extend your arms and pick up the object

Half Kneel Technique

3. Golfers Technique (ONLY for smaller and lighter objects)
– Get close to the object
– Keep back straight
– Pendulum at hip joint in one motion to reach the object
– Extend your arm and pick up the object

Golfer Technique

Tips to Decrease Neck Pain with Computer Usage

1. Make sure your computer screen is at eye level so you do not have to look up or down for a long period of time.

2. Be at a comfortable distance from your computer so you can see the screen clearly. If not, you will flex your neck forward causing strain to the area.

3. Place your mouse in front of your dominant arm at a position where your elbow and shoulder are at rest. Avoid placing your computer on a table that is too high, this will elevate your shoulder causing strain to the area.

If you continue to have neck discomfort, contact Harbor Physical Therapy for an evaluation of your sitting posture and treatment.

Free Injury Screening at Federal Hill Fitness

Do you continue having that same ache or pain, which is preventing you from exercising or doing day-to-day activities? Are you unsure what to do about it? Or do you just not have the time to take care of it?
Join us on April 29th at 5:00pm at Federal Hill Fitness for a Free Injury Screening assessment with Dr. Amanda Macht from Harbor Physical Therapy. Dr. Amanda will assess your concern and provide you with recommendations for next steps towards healing. If interested, email or stop by Federal Hill Fitness.

Auto Accident Injury

After an auto accident, sometimes it takes up to 48 hours before you feel discomfort from the injury. The delayed reaction is due to your body responding to the injury by tightening muscles. Your muscles stay in a contracted state which leads to discomfort and limited range of motion. Physical Therapy helps to decrease muscle tightness through manual techniques, postural education, modalities, and prescribed exercises. If you have been injured in an auto accident, please contact Harbor Physical Therapy to receive treatment.

Avoiding Back Pain While Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner

Cooking for long periods of time can take a toll on your back. Here are some tips you can use to safely prepare your Thanksgiving meal without developing back pain.

When lifting the turkey, hold the pan close to your body as you take it to the oven. Bend at your knees, not at your lower back, as you lower it onto the oven rack. When taking the turkey out, bend at your knees and pull the rack out keeping your back straight while lifting the turkey out. Keep the turkey close to you. Pivot your feet without twisting your back, to bring the turkey to the counter top.

While peeling potatoes or slicing vegetables, you can prevent your back from hurting by either sitting down or by opening a lower cabinet door and setting one foot on the shelf. This takes weight off the back and prevents you from leaning forward as you work at the counter.

When you are cleaning up after your meal and putting things into the dishwasher, limit bending forward. Kneel down and have someone hand you the dirty dishes, or bend at the knees and keep your back straight while lowering plates to the bottom rack.